Courses and Workshops

The Dublin North, North East Recovery College

Home Blog The Dublin North, North East Recovery College
June 21, 2024


The Dublin North, North East Recovery College is open to everyone with an interest in mental health recovery. In the spirit of collaboration, we work to ensure there is a good balance of students participating with either personal or professional experience.

Enrolment on courses is subject to availability. Student enrolment is open to everyone in the Dublin North, Louth and Meath areas, including:

  • People overcoming distress 

  • Supporters (family & friends)

  • Professionals & voluntary workers

  • Interested others

To ensure all students get the most from their Recovery College experience, we would also ask that you familiarise yourself with our Student Charter and Code of Conduct in advance of your participation.

Enrolling for a course or workshop at the Dublin North North East Recovery College is easy, either fill in and submit the Application Form Online, or download and complete the Application Form by email, to  or post to The Dublin North, North East Recovery College, Healthy Living Centre, DCU, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.

Alternatively for more information or help with applications please 0851847044 leave a message and we will return your call and assist you.

When we get your application form we will call you prior to the course starting to discuss your application.