Application Form

Home Application Form

    Please note, the co-operative
    learning spaces we provide can trigger emotional responses, be that either
    through course content, group learning and sometimes challenging group dynamics
    which include participants that are on different stages of the mental health
    and well-being spectrum including mental health service users, practitioners,
    family members and friends. On receipt of the completed application, the Recovery College will be in
    touch to ensure applicants are signing up for courses that adequately meet
    their needs.

    Our emancipatory approach to supporting personal transformation and recovery provides participants with an opportunity to explore mental health and well-being in ways that are diverse, holistic and sometimes challenging. Therefore all students have a personal and collective responsibility to supporting mutually respectful group spaces. Therefore all applicants must read and adhere to The Recovery College Student Charter and Code of Conduct - available online @, or alternatively on request from the Recovery College Office.

    Please read and sign:

    I have read the terms and conditions set out in the Dublin North, North East Recovery College Student Charter & Code of Conduct. These terms and conditions are available online or from the Recovery College Office I agree that I may be contacted by telephone/ email regarding my application and that I will be asked to provide feedback about my experience at the Recovery College.