Code Of Conduct

Home Code Of Conduct

It is important that we ensure that every student’s learning experience at the College is enriching and positive. The Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines to help ensure our students and staff work together, in ways to ensure that the college provides a supportive, empowering, non-judgmental and non-threatening environment.

Students and staff members of the College, are expected to:

  • Behave in a responsible manner that fosters mutual respect and understanding between all members of the College.
  • Respect the personal rights, life choices and opinions of others.
  • Celebrate difference.
  • Not behave in a way that may be considered threatening or disruptive, or that is likely to lead to physical or emotional harm to any students or staff.
  • Respect the confidentiality of others.
  • Behave in a way that does not prevent or disrupt learning or other activities.
  • Not use violent, disorderly or offensive behaviour or language.
  • Refrain from the use of alcohol or illicit substances while attending the Recovery College.

To provide for a safe, supportive learning environment, we all have a responsibility to ensure that this Code of Conduct is respected and adhered to. Please approach an appropriate member of staff if you feel there has been a breach of this Code, or if have any concerns about any of the above. For any queries or suggestions on any of the above, please call 01 700 8887, or email

If there has been a breach of this Code, the College will work with the parties involved towards finding solutions together.