
Louth Courses - Autumn 2019

Home Blog Louth Courses - Autumn 2019
April 10, 2019

The Dublin North, North East Recovery College are  delighted to announce our Autumn Course Schedule for the Louth area.  Our courses are open to everyone in the community including people overcoming mental health distress, family members, friends and mental health professionals. 


Course Arrangements (Louth)


Course'So What the Hell is Coproduction' 

Poster: So, What the hell is Coproduction - Louth Meath - Winter 2019 poster

Start Date: 1st, 8th and 15th October. 

Venue: Red Door Project, Drogheda

Format: Three Half Day workshops



Course: 'Mama Wellness – Maternal Mental Health'

Start Date: Friday 8th November 2019 


Venue: DKIT Dept of Nursing, Midwifery & Early years

Format: Four two hour session


Course: 'Is it Me or is it the Meds'

Date: Friday November to be confirmed

Poster: Mama Wellness - Louth - Autumn 2019 (3)

Venue: DKIT Dept of Nursing, Midwifery & Early years

Format: To be confirmed


Please sign up for the course here http://www.recoverycollege.ie/sign-up-for-a-course

Please note places are limited so please get your application in as early as possible to avoid disappointment.


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