
Welcome Carla to the Recovery College

Home Blog Welcome Carla to the Recovery College
February 03, 2023
My name is Carla Greene, I am 26 years old I am a current student at Maynooth University studying Community and Youth Development year 2 currently doing my work placement at the Dublin North, North East Recovery College , I absolutely love it. I have tried some work in retail but my passion is to work along side of youths and communities to challenge and change current and old  issues we are facing every day. A little bit about me I am a dancer/dance teacher involved with my local dance school, I grew up in a dance school so I have always being apart of group and the local community centre and youth clubs, the reason I came into the work line of community and youth development is because I want to give back, I aspire to be someone who can encourage change and also encourage people to empower themselves to challenge their issues. - Carla.
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