Autumn 2018

Upcoming Autumn Courses 2018

Home Blog Upcoming Autumn Courses 2018
August 02, 2018
We've a jam packed Autumn Schedule coming up for you!  To start the ball rolling we're delighted to announce the places are now open for two courses that will be launched in early September. 


Course Arrangements (North Dublin)

Course: 'Act The Maggot - Wellbeing through Creativity'

Dates:  Sept 10th – November 26th (Time:  2 - 4 pm)

Venue: Fairview Parish Hall, Phillipsburgh Avenue, Dublin 3.

Format: Six weekly two hour sessions

Course Arrangements (Louth, Meath)

Course'Self Advocacy Programme'

Dates:  Fridays, Sept 14th  Nov 2nd (Time: 2 - 5 pm)

Venue:  Drogheda Insitute of Further education,

Format: Eight weekly three hour session

Recovery College courses are open to everyone in the community including people overcoming distress, their supporters, mental health workers and also anyone with a general interest in mental health recovery.

To apply on line follow this link: