Mental Health

Seminar: Trauma Informed Care by Healthy Living Centre, School of Nursing & Human Sciences, DCU

Home Blog Seminar: Trauma Informed Care by Healthy Living Centre, School of Nursing & Human Sciences, DCU
February 23, 2018
This is not a Recover College seminar for more information go here.

Trauma informed care is a framework for working with children and youth who are particularly vulnerable. With histories of child abuse and complex trauma, they enter our care systems with troubling behaviours and symptoms, but are not able to articulate their experiences. A trauma informed approach helps to respond more effectively to these children and youth.

Format of the day;


10.30am Welcome
10.45am How trauma impacts on the child and young person - Rosaleen McElvaney, Dublin City University
11.30am Understanding and supporting children and young people in care who present with behaviours that challenge - David Williams, Dublin Institute of Technology
12.15pm Tea/coffee break
12.45pm Trauma Informed Care for children's services: Ready or not here it Is - Ramona Alaggia, University of Toronto
1.30pm Panel discussion
2pm Finish