
Public and Patients involved in research seminar series

Home Blog Public and Patients involved in research seminar series
November 07, 2018

DCU PPI Ignite PPI in Research Seminar Series
Seminar 1- Unpacking public and patient involvement in research

When: 13:00-14:00 Thursday 8th November

Where: HG07, School of Nursing and Human Sciences, DCUSpeakers: Veronica Lambert and Lucy Whiston (DCU PPI Ignite Award), Noel Hickey and Brona Furlong (MedEx Patient Research Advisory Group)Registration:

Seminar 2- Public and patient involvement in grant applications 

When: 13:00-14:00 Thursday 13th December

Where: Cuilin Room KA113, The U Building,

DCU Speakers: Alyson Bailey, Sara Lord and Aoife Cahill (Health Research Board)Registration:

Public and patient bursaries:A number of public and patient bursaries for travel expenses are available per seminar. Please contact for more information by Nov 1st for seminar 1 and by December 7th for seminar 2.

Further information:Lucy Whiston, Research Fellow, DCU PPI Ignite, School of Nursing and Human Sciences, DCU  or ppi@dcu.ie01-7008718