Creative Corner

Presentation about the Recovery College, PechaKucha style

Home Blog Presentation about the Recovery College, PechaKucha style
November 08, 2017
Grab a cuppa and find out all about the Recovery College, PechaKucha style.

[video width="896" height="670" mp4=""][/video]

What is a PechaKucha?

PechaKucha (Japanese: ペチャクチャ, IPA: [petɕa kɯ̥tɕa], chit-chat) is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights (PKNs).