
Phew what a busy year

Home Blog Phew what a busy year
June 29, 2018

Just catching my breath, we had a very busy year in the Recovery College this year, busy but brilliant! Reflecting back I met some amazing people, learnt some new things, heard some sad and distressing things but witnessed how resilient people are. I am using the sad things  thatI hear to keep going and try to bring about more change in the area of mental health in Ireland.

So on that note I wanted to share two of my most favourite mental health online resources, that you might enjoy over the summer.

The Mental Illness Happy Hour - I have been listening to this podcast while gardening for years, I find it easier than reading articles. This podcast comes with an adult content warning as they talk about everything! It is produced by Paul Gilmartin and is a weekly show that interviews comedians, artists, friends, and the occasional doctor. It is american based with dark humour, serious topics that are hard to find anywhere else and explores mental health problems, trauma, addiction, shame and negative thinking. Maybe start with an older one as he has incorporated surveys into the interview which make more sense when you have heard some of the earlier ones.

Mad in America - again an American website who have recently started doing podcasts. This is about science, psychiatry and social justice. I love the podcasts and listen to them when I run, makes the running easier.  Mad in America's mission statement is to serve as a catalyst for rethinking psychiatric care in the United States (and abroad). They believe that the current drug-based paradigm of care has failed our society, and that scientific research, as well as the lived experience of those who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, calls for profound change. I have signed up to do their mad studies course. 

Hope you enjoy these as much as I have.


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