
North Dublin Trialogue is back on the 23rd of September

Home Blog North Dublin Trialogue is back on the 23rd of September
September 18, 2019

Calling all Community Minded People in the North Dublin Area!

  • Do you want to see recovery and mental health in the community flourish?

  • Are you interested in working collectively in your community to challenge and end stigma.

  • Do you recognise the value of sharing perspectives on mental health issues to support individual and community growth?

If yes to the above, and available to support a monthly Mental Health discussion group to grow - you would be really well suited and welcome to join our North Dublin Trialogue core volunteer facilitation team.

The North Dublin Trialogue Group is presently calling out to interested individuals, community organisations and the Mental Health Services with an invite to join our Core Volunteer Group.

Presently there is space for at least one more Mental Heath service provider, a community group rep, a service user and family member to each come on board to support this group which meets once a month eight time per year.

The next core group meeting will take place:

Venue: Purcell House, All Hallows College on Grace Park Road on the following dates:

Date: Monday September 23rd

Time: 6.30 - 8pm

Next steps (are easy!)

- Email us back to confirm your interest and a member of the Trialogue group will be in touch.


- Call the Recovery College on 017007907 with any questions, suggestions or light bulb moments!


Click for more information and see the North Dublin trialogue poster.


Click below for location map in All Hallows Campus
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