Past Events

North Dublin Trialogue dates

Home Blog North Dublin Trialogue dates
February 07, 2019
The dates for the North Dublin Trialogue are:

Monday 18th February 2019 @ 6.30pm

Monday 25th March 2019 @ 6.30 pm

Monday 15th April 2019 @ 6.30pm

Monday 20th May 2019 @ 6.30 pm

Monday 17th June 2019 @ 6.30 pm


Where: Purcell House, All Hallows College, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra.


What is Mental Health Trialogue?

  • Typically, conversations about mental health take place within three groups, people experiencing mental health difficulties, those who love and care for them and professionals.

  • In Trialogue we come together, sit in a circle and talk together – but most importantly we listen together.

  • The hope is to share, to gain insight and to learn from each other and with each other. If you have an interest in mental health, your own, that of a friend or a family member, or of the wider society we all live in, or work in the field of mental health then you might be interested *You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, but we do ask that you listen!

Dublin North Trialogue!

This is part of a collaborative project ‘The Dublin North, North East Recovery

College’ and is being facilitated by a project team comprising of a service user, a family member & a mental health professional.

*Light refreshments will be provided on the night.


For further information on this the Trialogue Meeting, please contact or call 017008887