
New WhatsApp Broadcast List

Home Blog New WhatsApp Broadcast List
July 10, 2023
We're very excited to announce our new WhatsApp Broadcast List! If you want to keep up to date with what we're up to, but you don't use or would prefer not to use email, we've got you covered! A Broadcast List is great because everyone on our list will receive a personal message, and won't be added to a group. Your number will not be shared or seen by anyone else on the broadcast list. It will appear as a personal conversation between you and us!

So how do you set it up? Follow the instructions below!

1. Make sure to have WhatsApp installed!

2. Save our number +353851847044

3. Send us a text message or a WhatApp message with your name and number and let us know you want to be added to the list.

4. That's it! You're all set up to receive updates

Questions? Feel free to ask!

Poster outlining instructions to join Broadcast List
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