Projects & Partnerships

NEIC Dual Diagnosis Project 2022- 2023

Home Blog NEIC Dual Diagnosis Project 2022- 2023
June 20, 2024
The need for a community response to Dual Diagnosis was informed by both the Mulvey Report and the NEIC Strategic Plan (2020-2021). The NEIC Dual Diagnosis Project is in partnership with The Recovery Academy and The NEIC. The project aims to enhance the community’s capacity to respond to dual diagnosis through several specific objectives. Over the past few months we have established an open dialogue community forum, comprising all stakeholders that have a vested interest or are affected by dual diagnosis in the community. Through this forum we will develop an integrated care pathway within the community for people who are affected by dual diagnosis, ensuring that there is no wrong door when people reach out for support. We are building capacity within the community by facilitating workshops that are focused on building a Trauma informed community and enhancing skills of those working and living with people with Dual Diagnosis.

We are delighted to have launched the Integrated community care pathway for Dual Diagnosis along with a supportive services map on the 20th July 2023 and the Capacity-Building-Response-Document published in October 2023.

The pathway and map have been co-created by the community for the community through meaningful engagement including forums, workshops and core group meetings over the last nine months.

The goal of the pathway and map is to provide

– A visual resource on what a pathway for support and recovery might look like. Promoting integrated ways of working that encourage interagency collaboration in supporting an individual and/or families person centred journey of recovery

– A user-friendly resource map for finding information about local community services that can support people through all stages when experiencing issues regarding mental health and substance use. Information will include service details, specific contacts, opening hours, what supports services offer, how to refer etc

Click here for the interactive pdf  Dual Diagnosis care pathway

Click here for access to the map

Full Evaluation Report below:
Capacity-Building-Response-Document published