
Mental Health Workers we need your support for Trialogue

Home Blog Mental Health Workers we need your support for Trialogue
March 16, 2018
We're calling out to our friends working within the Mental Health Services for support, to ensure this group can continue to develop from strength to strength.

Outlined below are a number of key ways that you and other members of your team can actively support the North Dublin Trialogue group.

Uptake and support from services is fundamental to the growth of your local Trialogue Group, without it the space provided by this committed voluntary group, could lose it's truly trans formative potential.

In support your local Trialogue,  Not only will you be supporting our group to flourish, but at the same time your service will be actively working to help your service work towards achieving an important local recovery education objective as identified by Advancing Recovery in Ireland.  We hope you'll get on board.


Ways to support your local Trialogue:

1: Join the core group of volunteers  This group meets monthly 8 times per year. Presently we only need one more Mental Health Professional to come on board.

2: Make a collective commitment to support the Trialogue.  This can be done easily and is hugely important!  All that is needed is for members of your team (eg: multi disciplinary teams/Service user forums etc) to make a collective commitment to each attend one or two meetings per year.  This way supporting the trialogue doesn't fall to any one person, and the benefits then also feed back to services that engage.

3: Champion the Trialogue Group by being our promotions person in your service. This involves physically circulating monthly posters to those accessing services, their supporters & other team members.)  Though we circulate promos widely, we need your support to make them fully visible!


The next step is easy!  Just email back to confirm which of the above supports you’re willing to give.  We’ll then include you on our Trialogue champions contacts list and take things from there.  We very much hope to collaborate with you soon.

Alternatively call John Kelly on 017008887 with any questions, suggestions or light bulb moments!
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