
“Making People Aware and Taking the Stigma Away”: Alleviating Stigma and Discrimination Through Trialogue

Home Blog “Making People Aware and Taking the Stigma Away”: Alleviating Stigma and Discrimination Through Trialogue
February 28, 2018
“Making People Aware and Taking the Stigma Away”: Alleviating Stigma and
Discrimination through Trialogue an article in the Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies Simon .ie

Mental health stigma and discrimination is a major societal issue. Participatory approaches such
as Open Dialogue may be effective in bringing about changes in such stigma and discrimination.
Trialogue is an extension of such approaches to three or more sets of stakeholders in mental health
systems. The current study explores stakeholders’ evolving discourse concerning mental health
stigma and discrimination over time through this approach and whether this approach may alleviate mental health stigma and discrimination.

"Making People Aware and Taking the Stigma Away" Alleviating Stigma and Discrimination Through Trialogue