Community Development

Join us for our First Forthnight Event 13th Janaury, DCU campus Glasnevin

Home Blog Join us for our First Forthnight Event 13th Janaury, DCU campus Glasnevin
December 02, 2021
Save the date: Thursday January 13th 12pm-3pm

A 3 hour transcultural event which will consist of both an Open space dialogue and a
Collaborative musical performance of the song ‘Emerging Unmasked’ which was written and performed by Students of the Dublin North, North East Recovery College and members of the Traveller Community and Pavee Point.

The aim of this event is to bring people together to discuss and recognise the additional difficulties people who are marganilsed face in terms of both experiencing inclusion and being open about their mental health experiences.

We hope that it will act as a catalyst for the further growth and understanding of
peoples' experiences and highlight the importance of openness and
acceptance of mental health within these communities. By hosting this space we hope to
create an environment which promotes solidarity and understanding of the experiences of people who are marginalised in accessing mental health services with the view to both increasing the level of discourse in the area but also by highlighting the need for assistance from participating community organisations going forward.

To register your interest in attending the event please email