North Dublin

Invitation to join a Research Project using Free Voice Art Therapy April/May 2020

Home Blog Invitation to join a Research Project using Free Voice Art Therapy April/May 2020
February 19, 2020
Traddrum Promotions in collaboration with The Recovery College will be hosting free Voice Art Therapy sessions during the months of April & May, these sessions will take place in the DCU School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health.

This opportunity is open to anyone currently experiencing low mood.  Participants are welcome to take part in one or a multiple of the sessions outlined below.

Numbers are very limited for this creative healing opportunity, so we will work here on a first come first serve basis - to avoid disappointment please fill in and return the attached application, further to which we will follow up with more details



1 x Vocal Improvisation and Games Workshop

1 x Voicescape Improvisation (relaxing)  

1 x Voicescape Improvisation (stimulating) 

1 x Literal Voicescape 

1 x Metaphorical Voicescape with art as a reference

These sessions will be facilitated by Aimee Farrell Courtney from Traddrum Promotions.  Aimmee is currently studying with the British Academy of Sound Therapy for a Higher Diploma in Sound Therapy and Group Voice Arts Therapy.   These sessions form the basis for a community research project, as part of this programme.

By participating here you will also asked in return to to contribute to Aimees'  community research project.

There are many benefits to health and wellbeing that can be achieved with therapeutic voice including reduced stress, anxiety, muscle tension and physical pain as well as an increased sense of wellbeing and positive mood.

Some sessions look more deeply into the use of the voice to improve health and wellbeing and others will focus more on voice as an art form as well as for creativity and fun. Participant's feedback from the workshops will go towards a final case study portfolio.