Recovery Colleges

A trip to the Belfast Recovery College

Home Blog A trip to the Belfast Recovery College
April 12, 2018
I attended a forum meeting in DCU Recovery College in March.  The Recovery College coordinator invited all students if they would like to attend the launch of the Belfast Recovery College in the Black Box Theatre. Some took the opportunity to go and see what it was all about.

We got the chance to meet and greet with those who are passionate and oversee the running of the Recovery College. Through drama, the amazing recovery college students demonstrated   what it’s like for those who have mental health issues, due to different experiences at some point in their lives, be it biologically, psychologically or socially.

The drama gave us a taste of how to reclaim the authentic self through education, therefore enabling students to go forward in mental well being and recovery.  Students shared how the Recovery College was   paramount to the healing process.

I couldn’t  help notice like the Recovery College in DCU,  the sense  of being  loved and a sense of  belonging  that  stood out among the  students and team leaders at the launch. This was enhanced by knowing that all students and educators have lived experiences and are treated equally on their own journey.

I have my own story of loss, however I’ve learned to believe in a brighter day. The Recovery College is a place to feel safe and also to learn a new way about mental health recovery.  The Recovery College launch was about ordinary people embracing mental health in a new way and learning to become fully alive.

Thanks for a great day with the Recovery College Belfast.
