
Welcome to Triona who is on placement from Maynooth.

Home Blog Welcome to Triona who is on placement from Maynooth.
January 31, 2020
A introduction from Triona who will be with us until April on placement.   I’m a student currently studying Community and Youth work in Maynooth University and I’m on placement here in the Recovery College. I have always had a strong interest in working with people in general but by furthering my education through this degree I’m hoping that ill have the knowledge and skills to help people in the community. I feel very strongly about helping providing people with the support to help them empower themselves. I’ve also always had a keen interest in mental health with lived experience through caring for a family member.  Being on placement here in the Recovery College means that I can combine my two interests. I’m extremely grateful to be here and I look forward to exploring mental health recovery through a community work lens. Kind Regards Triona Byrne   Triona on the left in this picture with Martha and Helen.
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