Mental Health

‘Out of Silence - women’s mental health in their own words’ - National Women's Council of Ireland

Home Blog ‘Out of Silence - women’s mental health in their own words’ - National Women's Council of Ireland
October 24, 2018


Join with NWCI’s members’ and friends’ meeting to launch our report ‘Out of Silence - women’s mental health in their own words’ and to launch the Women’s Mental Health Network in collaboration with St Patrick’s Mental Health Services


About this Event

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NWCI's 'Out of Silence, women's mental health in their own words' report will be launched at the first meeting of the Women’s Mental Health Network on Tuesday the 6th of November 2-4pm at St Patrick’s Mental Health Service, James Street, Dublin 8.


NWCI’s Report: Out of Silence, women’s mental health in their own words

In 2017/8, NWCI undertook a programme of conversations with groups of women across the country, centring women’s understanding of mental health – the things that keep women well, the social and community networks that support them and the services they turn to in times of difficulty. The report recognises the benefits of listening to women’s experiences as a means to develop women-centred supports and services.


The Women’s Mental Health Network

NWCI and St Patricks Mental Health Service have come together to develop a Women’s Mental Health Network for people and organisations with a committed interest in women’s mental health.

The network aims to provide a forum for information-sharing and networking among interested parties, and to advance interdisciplinary and multi-agency collaboration to progress shared aims and goals in the promotion of women’s mental health.


Speakers include; Louise McSharry, Broadcaster and Writer; Dr. Clodagh Dowling, Clinical Psychologist; Louise O'Leary, Advocacy Project Manager at St Patrick's Mental Health Service; and Dr Cliona Loughnane, NWCI Health Coordinator

If you have any queries about the event, please contact Jenny Liston at Any accessibility requirements please contact Susan McCormack at

#WomensMentalHealth #OutOfSilence